I have extensive experience with Javascript. I work with Vanilla ES6 Javascript, React JS, React Native frameworks and Node JS in the Backend.
Working knowledge of Node JS and it's asynchronous architecture. Able to make Simple CRUDs and APIs using Node in the backend.
I have built native mobile apps for iOS and Android using React Native framework and Redux for state management. I know how to use Xcode and Android Studio and have experience with various libraries such as Facebook SDK for React Native, One Signal and working knowledge of REST APIs.
I code Single page applications using React JS utilizing Redux for state management.
React Native based iOS app for bars, night clubs in Dubai with features like Happening now, Nearby, coupons, booking, reviews etc
Stack: React Native, React JS, Redux, ES6 Javascript
Libraries/APIs: WordPress Rest API, One Signal Push Notifications, Facebook SDK
Download App: Visit iOS App Store